A view from a roof in Port au Prince


on cloud 9

The weekend was good. On Friday we had a clinic for the community at Jasmine's orphanage. In one day we saw over 100 patients. Gretchen and I worked mostly on taking vital signs for the patients. It was a lonnnnngg day and really hot but it was good for the community. A lot of the people in the community have bad feelings about the orphanage so it's good for Jasmine to open her gates and invite them in, give them health care and medication. While the people were waiting to be seen, there was a local pastor preaching for them.

Yesterday a nurse from Canada came to Jasmine's orphanage. We were able to sit down beside her and go through each of the children. It felt like she was our clinical instructor. She would explain her observations and challenged us to think critically. The nurse said that the new baby that came in might never walk. She said that she crawls the way a paralyzed child does. She also confirmed a Staph infection in a handful of the children. She examined the nutrition of the children and pointed out the yellowing of the hair and emphasized that the children need more protein in their diets. Tomorrow Gretchen and I will go with Rigan to the market and buy a very large supply of beans for Jasmine to have on hand at the orphanage.

The past three days in a row we have made it to the ocean. I can't believe that on the other trips to Haiti I spent so much time away from it. There are a few beaches within walking distance and some others within a short tap tap ride.

Rigan has done such a great job of taking us around Haiti, protecting us, and showing us how the Haitians live. I've learned how to do a Haitian shower. It is much more simple than the American way and ivolves a large bucket of cold water and small cup to splash the water on yourself. I actually really like it- especially when the water is very cold.

Tomorrow we will go to the other orphanage and do an all day clinic again. We have some supplies to give to the clinic. I can't believe it is almost over.... I think this was really good for me to be here. I'm fired up for the new school year... well as much as I can be. I am really motivated to learn because I want to be able to be a really good nurse here. There are so many things I wish I knew more about so that I could help more in the orphanage.

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